Saturday, July 21, 2007


I cook at my convenience
Only when I am in a " Mood " to
But when i do, i simply loooove it !!!
I have just cooked an unbelievably fabulous
( brij seconds it )tandoori chicken in my microwave ....
Coming from a tam- bram bgrnd,i haven't seen too
much of chicken being cooked,but being an ardent lover of chicken
I have discovered storing, cleaning, marinating & cooking chkn
from recipe books, friends and sanjeev kapoor / tarla dalal types..
I also cooked a quick cauliflower stir - fry & a basic khichdi....
cooking is therapeutic......... atleast for me : )

Script..the back bone!

Script is universally known & accepted as the foundation of any film.
Sounds good, but unfortunately there is lots in between the perfectly
bound script & the final film.I worked on two movies that sounded fine
on paper but looked something totally different once shot, edited
& released. The difference was quite crazy. The first one was being
shot so aesthetically, directed so skillfully, had beautiful locations etc,
but as an entire package not interesting enough to hold ones attention.
The movie was full of scenes that I felt sorrrow, joy and many other
emotions while I watched the actors perform scenes at the shoot.
The big dfference being, the scenes were being watched
individually, not as a whole.The primary need is definitely to know the
technique & the craft. But filmmaking is a unique job that also deals a
lot with luck. Its sad that many directors with immense talent are still
waiting for that one break that’s dependant on some big stars dates,
some producers demand for having a massy item number, and finally
are going to chopped left, right and centre by some superficial trade
pandit who sits in an AC theatre and declares the fate of the movie.
I have nothing against the critics, just wish that they took a decent
course in film making, spent atleast a year slogging their ass off during
the making of any movie and then feel qualified enough to give raag
on technicain’s & film makers.

Anyway, getting back to scripts… ‘ Copyrighting ‘ is getting popularity
here only now. After many concepts have been stolen, many abused by
dubious producers… well, better late than never!! But many enthu cutlets
still write brilliant scripts and are unable to keep it to themselves because
they truly believe it’s a piece of genius that they need to share and get
feed back on, and end up narrating their scritps to the entire industry…
of course without a copyright. God bless them!


People living single have all the space in the world. Don’t ever need to get into convincing anybody into watching the same channel or movie that they want to watch. Don’t need to bother with what anybody else would they want to cook/ eat. They sleep when they want to, don’t get hassled with any ones’s weird bathroom habits, don’t have to check on a partners schedule to have a guy/ girl’s slumber party at any point. And the list can go on…. Sounds fabulous to most people I guess…. They for sure believe that they are in bliss!! As for myself, I never wanted to be single!

I really wonder what life would have been without my husband. How terrible it would be if I had to come back to an empty home, eat alone, have no one to share my entire days stories & my ever-changing future plans with. How would it be if he stops waking me up tenderly to get to office on time? Live just with myself??? How gloomy it would be.I too have lived in another town by myself for a year and I have had a blast!! I am very glad I did so, cause I would have missed too much in life without that one year of being alone, surviving in a new town wihthout knowing anybody, having any support system to back you up…. it was an adventurous joy ride with loads of ups & downs.But all said and done, I would never ever, EVER trade the companionship, the fun, and the bizarre famiy functions etc, which are a part of marriage for anything on earth. My marriage is the best thing thats happened to me , and i really wish that everyone gets married, provided they find THE partner. I couldnt have asked for better. Brij has qualities that i cant ever match, and he only makes me want to be a better person.
The best part is, my parents finally have let go of me. I am supposed to be this mature person, now that am married..Heheehheheheh…… Of course marriage changes you as a person. Its upto you to ensure that it’s for better.

Life is calling....

So much to do,
but, so little time.
So far to reach,
Well, life just began…
I look forward to life,
each day unfolds a new high.
Growing older is so much fun,
uncovering life as it arrives….
Making the better out of what one has,
doing the finest one can do..
At the end of it all,settling only for the best.
Live life queen size…
Life is calling!!


A beautiful line from the film " HITCH "

" Life is not about all the moments that you breathe..
Its about all the moments that take your breath away!"


26 / 7

On 26th July, it poured like never before…
Water was swiftly filling up everywhere…
HR sent a mail saying we could leave early..I
had finished work and decided to scram..
Kudi and I left office at four convinced that if we
manage to reach aarey that was 10 mins away ,
we could get home definitely from there..
While everyone else hung on at work,
some because of the work load,some unsure to leave,
we set off….Truly, water had filled up knee length a
lmost all our way to aarey..
Rajjo, kudi’s hubb called up asking her to retreat and
stay in off cause his car ( as heavy as a Ford Icon for heavens sake )
had been swept away by the current of water..
Would we listen? No way.
With kudi’s excellent driving skills and one helluva car
that Maruti 800 is,we were at the opening of aarey
colony after an hour ( phew! )
we realised that due to some land slide, the entire route
was jam packed..The very first sensible & prudent decision
of that day was, to not go ahead…
We turned around, kudi still wondering if we should
try the powai route..Finally we decided to get back to office …
be safe…not experiment , not take any chances… anymore!!
Water levels on the same route back had risen. and how!!
Born optimistic & rebellious, both of us continued marching ahead…
People after every two mins warning us that its really bad ahead
water had started flowing into the car, steadily rising…
People were walking gingerly unsure when they might
just land into an open drain or any big pot holes on the punctured roads…
Traffic was slow moving, and our car got stuck at one point..
One mallu man was helpful enough to help us out of the ditch
the tyre had got stuck into and guided us genuinely
–“ stay only in the middle of the road “ he said in mallu accent..
point taken, we progress…..kudi talking to her car consistently ..
She calls it ‘ ram pyari’ We were ready to park some place and
hang on in the car,Till the situation was better but there
was no place, andAbandoning the car was no choice in our head…
So we persist.. I push the car a bit .. kudi howling at meto get
back into the car cause she could see men passing
lewd comments and staring.. Something I was oblivious to…
One can call it semi nervousness, semi adventurous..
But with the water mounting up higher in the car and kudi
now unable to feel the accelerator, phone lines jammed,
it was no longer fun !
Although we were hop, skip and jump away from office
we were now sure we could not move further causewater
had reached the window level….
the distance traveled for the next 30 secs is indescribable…
It seemed like some supreme energy suddenly maneuvered the car
Taking us through a lane and as if a supernatural force made
a building perfectly untouched by the water clog appear in one corner…
We parked in the huge parking lot, our next move already planned.
To find a landline phone, inform our family that we were fine…
We landed in an office on the fourth floor
Found comfort in an office called ‘Direct Logistics ‘
And spent the entire night there….till brij found his way
to the office on the basis of the landline number i had given him
Phew!!!!That was quite something, but today when I look back,
It seems like it was a cakewalk as compared to all
the catastrophic narratives I have been listening to…

Measure of Success!!

If i am doing exactly what i want to do...
If my work makes me an enthu cutlet..
If i keep my hobbies alive...
If i explore into one new thing every month...
If i make atleast two genuine friends i can trust my life with...
If i take good care of my parents..
If i have two beautiful babies who i nurtureto be
mature, responsible individuals
If i can walk on the beach with brij
holding hands at 50 yrs...
I am successful!