Saturday, July 21, 2007

Script..the back bone!

Script is universally known & accepted as the foundation of any film.
Sounds good, but unfortunately there is lots in between the perfectly
bound script & the final film.I worked on two movies that sounded fine
on paper but looked something totally different once shot, edited
& released. The difference was quite crazy. The first one was being
shot so aesthetically, directed so skillfully, had beautiful locations etc,
but as an entire package not interesting enough to hold ones attention.
The movie was full of scenes that I felt sorrrow, joy and many other
emotions while I watched the actors perform scenes at the shoot.
The big dfference being, the scenes were being watched
individually, not as a whole.The primary need is definitely to know the
technique & the craft. But filmmaking is a unique job that also deals a
lot with luck. Its sad that many directors with immense talent are still
waiting for that one break that’s dependant on some big stars dates,
some producers demand for having a massy item number, and finally
are going to chopped left, right and centre by some superficial trade
pandit who sits in an AC theatre and declares the fate of the movie.
I have nothing against the critics, just wish that they took a decent
course in film making, spent atleast a year slogging their ass off during
the making of any movie and then feel qualified enough to give raag
on technicain’s & film makers.

Anyway, getting back to scripts… ‘ Copyrighting ‘ is getting popularity
here only now. After many concepts have been stolen, many abused by
dubious producers… well, better late than never!! But many enthu cutlets
still write brilliant scripts and are unable to keep it to themselves because
they truly believe it’s a piece of genius that they need to share and get
feed back on, and end up narrating their scritps to the entire industry…
of course without a copyright. God bless them!

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